Strife: The Arena of Strife

The Arena of Strife

Welcome to the Playground

The Strife map is an arena crafted for your enjoyment. It houses plenty of nuances to learn and take advantage of, but it is crucial that you first master the basics.

Key Map Components

  • All
  • Lanes
  • Brawlers
  • Towers
  • Generators
  • Cruxes
  • Neutral Monsters
  • Observatories
  • Cindara
  • Baldir
    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Towers

      Defensive structures that shoot nearby enemies. They will prioritize attacking enemy heroes who exhibit aggression towards you.

    • Generators

      The three eel-fueled buildings in a team’s base. Destroying a Generator will award your team massive amounts of gold and weaken the enemy Crux.

    • Generators

      The three eel-fueled buildings in a team’s base. Destroying a Generator will award your team massive amounts of gold and weaken the enemy Crux.

    • Generators

      The three eel-fueled buildings in a team’s base. Destroying a Generator will award your team massive amounts of gold and weaken the enemy Crux.

    • Generators

      The three eel-fueled buildings in a team’s base. Destroying a Generator will award your team massive amounts of gold and weaken the enemy Crux.

    • Generators

      The three eel-fueled buildings in a team’s base. Destroying a Generator will award your team massive amounts of gold and weaken the enemy Crux.

    • Generators

      The three eel-fueled buildings in a team’s base. Destroying a Generator will award your team massive amounts of gold and weaken the enemy Crux.

    • Crux

      The central structure of each team’s base. It has built-in attacks to defend itself. Destroy the enemy Crux to win.

    • Crux

      The central structure of each team’s base. It has built-in attacks to defend itself. Destroy the enemy Crux to win.

    • Neutral Monsters

      Neutral units that both teams can kill for gold and experience. A great second option when lanes are exhausted or too dangerous to farm.

    • Neutral Monsters

      Neutral units that both teams can kill for gold and experience. A great second option when lanes are exhausted or too dangerous to farm.

    • Neutral Monsters

      Neutral units that both teams can kill for gold and experience. A great second option when lanes are exhausted or too dangerous to farm.

    • Neutral Monsters

      Neutral units that both teams can kill for gold and experience. A great second option when lanes are exhausted or too dangerous to farm.

    • Neutral Monsters

      Neutral units that both teams can kill for gold and experience. A great second option when lanes are exhausted or too dangerous to farm.

    • Neutral Monsters

      Neutral units that both teams can kill for gold and experience. A great second option when lanes are exhausted or too dangerous to farm.

    • Neutral Monsters

      Neutral units that both teams can kill for gold and experience. A great second option when lanes are exhausted or too dangerous to farm.

    • Neutral Monsters

      Neutral units that both teams can kill for gold and experience. A great second option when lanes are exhausted or too dangerous to farm.

    • Neutral Monsters

      Neutral units that both teams can kill for gold and experience. A great second option when lanes are exhausted or too dangerous to farm.

    • Neutral Monsters

      Neutral units that both teams can kill for gold and experience. A great second option when lanes are exhausted or too dangerous to farm.

    • Observatories

      Indestructible neutral watch towers which grant vision in a large radius. Temporarily gain control of one by walking next to it.

    • Observatories

      Indestructible neutral watch towers which grant vision in a large radius. Temporarily gain control of one by walking next to it.

    • Observatories

      Indestructible neutral watch towers which grant vision in a large radius. Temporarily gain control of one by walking next to it.

    • Observatories

      Indestructible neutral watch towers which grant vision in a large radius. Temporarily gain control of one by walking next to it.

    • Cindara

      Angelic guardian of the Sentinel Krytos. The most powerful neutral objective, defeating her will grant you control of Krytos.

    • Baldir

      Neutral boss objective in the top half of the map. Defeating him will earn your entire team significant gold and experience.

  • Lanes

    The three paths that Brawlers traverse and each team has Towers placed upon. The three lanes are commonly referred to as Top, Middle, and Bottom.

  • Brawlers

    Common soldiers of each team’s army. They spawn in waves at set intervals. Delivering the killing blow to Brawlers is the primary source of gold and experience income.

The Minimap

The mini map is a miniature version of the entire map, condensed into a little box on the bottom corner of your screen. It provides an incredible amount of information, offering an overview of all the action taking place in the game.

Utilizing this powerful tool well and often will vastly improve your gameplay, as more information leads to better decision-making.

Minimap Tips

  • Glance, Don't Stare: The minimap contains valuable information, but staring at it will get you killed. Pay attention to your hero!
  • "See" the Unseen: The most valuable pieces of information are often related to what you don't see on the minimap. Which enemy heroes are suspiciously missing from the minimap?
  • Share the Info: Because minimap information is often useful to everyone on your team, share what you see with teammates. Calling out a missing enemy hero can save a life.